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  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

One stop shop cloud hosting

This package has a Domain name, Cloud Hosting Server (US Server), and Business Email accounts

  • The premium domain name (.com/.org/.net )
  • 3 email accounts ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Email forwarder (can be forwarded on your different account ex: in Gmail or yahoo emails)
  • Guaranteed 99.98 % uptime
  • Well-maintained server by wedevlops.com 
  • Email can be integrated and configured on your smartphones (Android or iPhone)
  • Email is configurable using IMAP or POP settings
  • Guided configuration by our team for setting up email on your devices (one-time set-up only)
  • Interface email is using the Gmail platform or other devices such as Outlook
  • SSL certificate for 1 year (included on the renewal of this package)


Shared hosting details:(1-year minimum contract)

User Interface (UI) = Own Client devices
Duration: 2 Years
Price: $250.00

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