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Joomla 100% CPU/memory in your hosting


Do you experience 100% CPU usage bloated and your server memory is high with File Usage also high and get an email from your hosting that your site was violated due to non-normal usage but your site is simply blogs and nothing specials. 

Well; we also encounter this issue as well. The question is how do we reduce CPU usage? There are many factors involved in this issue and it is on a case-to-case basis. We need to isolate this case carefully and based on our experience are the following:

  1. Cache
  2. Table Optimization
  3. Proper structure of Joomla 
  4. Proper setting of Joomla 
  5. Coordination with your Hosting
  6. Cleaning up your Joomla site

And lastly; check the files which involve your Joomla articles that are explained below. 

We have been maintaining the Joomla website for our customers/clients and we found out that the issue causing this 100% CPU/memory in your hosting is because of too many featured articles. We have been isolating/troubleshooting this issue for more than 6 months and finally, we got the solution. 

This normally occurs if you using Joomla version 3.x and 4.x

I hope this helps every Joomla users out there. 

If you need special assistance on how to handle this please contact us. 

As of my last knowledge update in 2022, Joomla 5 had not been released yet, so the exact process for upgrading from Joomla 4 to Joomla 5 is not available. However, the general process for upgrading Joomla between major versions typically involves the following steps:

  1. Backup your website: Before performing any upgrade, it's essential to back up all your website files, databases, and any other critical data.
  2. Check Joomla's official documentation: Visit the official Joomla website or the Joomla community forums to check for any specific guidelines or recommendations related to upgrading from Joomla 4 to Joomla 5. The documentation may include a step-by-step guide, best practices, and any potential issues you might encounter during the process.
  3. Update extensions and templates: Ensure that all your extensions and templates are compatible with Joomla 5. If any of them are not compatible, you might need to find alternative extensions or templates that work with the new version.
  4. Test the upgrade in a development environment: It's advisable to test the upgrade process in a development environment before applying it to your live website. This will help you identify and resolve any issues before making the changes live.
  5. Follow the upgrade instructions: Once you have prepared adequately and tested the upgrade process in a safe environment, follow the official upgrade instructions provided by Joomla for transitioning from version 4 to version 5.
  6. Verify and troubleshoot: After the upgrade is complete, thoroughly test all the website functionalities to ensure everything is working as expected. If you encounter any issues, refer to the Joomla community forums or consult with Joomla experts for troubleshooting assistance.

Here is the complete video tutorial for a step-by-step guide in updating and upgrading your Joomla 4 to Joomla 5 - 

Always keep in mind that major version upgrades can be complex, and it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the potential risks and challenges involved. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult with Joomla experts or professionals who have experience with Joomla upgrades to ensure a smooth transition to the new version.

If you need help or special assistance in upgrading or updating your Joomla website feel free to email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or contact us and we are here to help you. 

Creating a banner module extension for Joomla 5

Creating a banner module extension for Joomla 5 is a valuable addition to enhance your website. Let’s dive into the steps:

  1. Access the Module Manager:

    • Log in to your Joomla 5 administrator panel.
    • Navigate to Extensions → Modules.
  2. Create a New Module:

    • Click the New button in the toolbar.
    • Select the Module Type: Banners.
  3. Module Configuration:

    • Fill in the following form fields:
      • Title: Give your module a descriptive title. This will be displayed in the frontend.
      • Module Target: Choose whether the banner link should open in the parent window, a new window, or a popup.
      • Count: Specify the number of banners to display (default is 5).
      • Client: Select a client from the dropdown list (existing clients are managed using Banner Client).
      • Category: Choose the category of banners to display. If no selection is made, all categories will be shown by default.
      • Search by Meta Keyword: Decide whether to match banner tags with the current document’s meta keywords.
      • Randomise: Opt for randomizing the order of banners (either based on pinning or completely random).
      • Header Text: Add text or HTML to display before the group of banners.
      • Footer Text: Include text or HTML to display after the banners.
      • Show Title: Toggle the display of the module title (effect depends on the template’s module style).
      • Position: Select a predefined module position or enter a custom one.
      • Status: Choose between Published, Unpublished, or Trashed.
      • Start Publishing and Finish Publishing: Set dates and times for automatic publishing and unpublishing.
      • Access: Define who has access to this module (Public, Guest, Registered, Special, or Super Users).
      • Ordering: Arrange the module’s order within its position.
      • Language: Select the language for the module (default is All).
      • Note: Optionally add a note for site administrators.

How can I use the username and email address as a login for Joomla?

How can I use the username and email address as a login for Joomla?
The answer is YES; Both you can use the username and email address to log in for your Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 in the frontend or users login. Here are the things you need to install to make this possible work both username and email addresses to login in to your Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 websites. 
This extension will support all types of thrid party extensions that you have in your Joomla such as e-commerce extension (HikaShop, Virtuemart, Eshop, J2store, Payplans, Membership pro, Joomdonation, Jcart for Opencart, and many more)
This extension is called - User Email login which you can find in Joomla extension directory
Or you can download it directly to our extension page website - https://wedevlops.com/developers-shop/product/129-email-login-joomla.html
You can check the video tutorial on YouTube

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