WordPress Control Plugin Per Page.
This type of WordPress plugin provides the capability to manage which plugins and their JavaScript files are active on specific pages of your website. This granular level of control helps you ensure that only the necessary resources are loaded for each page, enhancing overall site performance and functionality.
Page Detection: The plugin first identifies the current page being loaded. This can be determined using various methods such as checking the page URL, page ID, or specific page attributes.
Configuration Interface: The plugin typically includes a user-friendly configuration interface within the WordPress admin dashboard. This interface allows administrators to select the plugins and JavaScript files that should be enabled or disabled per page.
Mapping and Rules: Administrators create a mapping of pages to plugins and JavaScript files. This mapping defines which plugins and scripts should be active or inactive on each page. The rules can be based on various criteria such as page type (e.g., post, page, custom post type), URL patterns, user roles, and more.
Conditional Loading: The plugin dynamically enables or disables the specified plugins and JavaScript files based on the defined mapping and rules. This can be achieved using WordPress functions like wp_enqueue_script, wp_dequeue_script, activate_plugin, and deactivate_plugins.
Execution: When a page is loaded, the plugin checks the mapping and then loads or unloads the specified plugins and JavaScript files accordingly. This process ensures that only the necessary resources are loaded, reducing the page load time and improving performance.
Performance Optimization: By only loading necessary plugins and JavaScript files, you can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred and processed, leading to faster page load times.
Security: Disabling unnecessary plugins and scripts on pages where they are not needed reduces the potential attack surface of your website, enhancing.
Download this plugin here: https://wedevlops.com/developers-shop/product/177-wordpress-control-plugin-page.html