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Mijoshop Joomla Component extended support

Mijoshop Extended Support 

If you are a fan of Joomla since version 1.5 to present; then you recognized MijoShop Component; an Opencart integrated to Joomla. But if you search this item in the Joomla forum and in extension  it is not listed anymore and deleted. 

For us, it was a good eCommerce platform but the support was depreciated. You can still purchase the extension but the support is very limited. We are not sure what was happening on Miwisoft; Before you continue reading this article; Please be reminded that we are not affiliated to Miwisoft/Mijoshop nor endorsed. 
  opencart logoapple
To be honest, I like the functionality of the extension, If you are familiar with opencart then it is similar. The difference is it was integrated into Joomla. Technically speaking you can use the plugin for opencart as well. Make sure you know what you are doing to avoid the downtime or crush on your website. 
If you notice our shop; we are still using this extension. For how long? As long as it is functional to us and if there are no bugs then will keep this for now. 
We have been working on this extension for so many years and we also offer this to our clients because of its interface. The same as opencart it is a complete online shopping experience. One of the advantages that it was integrated into Joomla is you can add articles and other staff that is not offered with Opencart.  
So, we offer extended support if you think you have issues with Mijoshop. We can help you in your website just send us email so that we can help you fix your issues. 
We have manage to upgrade our Mijoshop to the following version of PHP version 7.2.33; 7.3.21 and 7.4,++  and with the latest Joomla 3.9.26 and Opencart version 3.x.x
mijoshop PHP73 version upgraded Joomla
Also below version.
mijoshop PHP version upgraded Joomla
Tested as well on 7.4.16 
php version 7.4.16 joomla 3.9.26

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