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Joomla website speed optimization

How to increase your Joomla website speed
So, The next question in your mind is how to make it fast loading without affecting your design and functionality? With this question in mind you are now wondering how and searching tools over the web about the speed score or grade you got.
Most common tool that is used by web developers is the GTMetrix. Before you continue reading this I would like to add some disclaimer that we are not affiliated nor endorsed by GTMetrix.
Below image are the sample of our web clients managed website and their speed test grade results.

Joomla Website Speed Test

Website speed is a bit crucial and important because if your site is slow then your visitors simply cancel their browsing and lose interest in your business.
So, how do you optimize your Joomla website then; There are so many techniques and solutions you can find if you search it in google. Here are the basic ones; enable your cache, enable gzip page compression at server tab;  In System tab cache time and System cache depending on your needs. Now you are wondering why we did not input any sample fields on cache time and System cache is because these values here depend on your website.
There are also tools in Joomla extension for speed optimization if you need other options but take note to optimize first the native joomla before you purchase add on extensions. The best option here is to consult Joomla experts so that they can guide you how to maximize your website. 
By the way, We can help you with this as well. If you are in a rush or avoid hassle about the technical stuff; we can do it for you. Just drop us an email and we can optimize your website with our expertise and experience in working with Joomla.

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